Der Meisterpokal

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Der Meisterpokal

Beitragvon scorpole » 24.08.2006, 20:45


I´m a danish guy, so I will write in English.

I have a problem, that I hope, that someone can help me with it. I have just bought the six glasses "Der Meisterpokal". But I have just discovered, that I have 2 glasses of glas 2/6 and I miss the glas 1/6. I hope now, that someone can help me to get the glas 1/6. Even better if someone misses the glas 2/6 and have 2 glasses of 1/6, so we exchange glasses, so we both can get the full collection.

I hope to hear from someone.

Ole Haugaard
Rosenvej 8
6900 Skjern
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 23.08.2006, 16:22

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